Fy Trivallis i
Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A person in a blue shirt, holding a document, stands behind a decorative "WELCOME" sign featuring black owl figures. The person is smiling and appears to be in an outdoor setting with greenery and buildings in the background. The shirt has "Trivallis" printed on it.

Newydd i Trivallis

Croeso i’ch cartref newydd! Gobeithio byddwch chi’n hapus fel rhan o gymuned Trivallis.

A man carrying a toolbox smiling in front of a service van with "trivallis" branding.

Rhoi gwybod am waith trwsio

Rydym am i chi gael cartref diogel a sicr, lle mae popeth yn gweithio. Ond os bydd rhywbeth yn mynd o le, rhowch wybod i ni fel y gallwn ni ei drwsio.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A woman with sunglasses on her head is smiling while presenting or gesturing toward a black Trivallis housing door with a brass knocker and handle.

Ein hamseroedd trwsio

By working with our tenants, we have agreed the timescales for repairs, which categorises repairs in the following priority order.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A man seated at a wooden table with a blue laptop, smiling at the camera, with a bookshelf filled with DVDs in the background, inside his Trivallis housing in RCT.

Talu eich rhent

Mae angen i chi dalu eich rhent bob wythnos, gan ddechrau ar ddiwrnod cyntaf eich tenantiaeth. Mae llawer o ffyrdd hawdd i wneud hyn.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales Housing mould growth observed in the corner of a room where the ceiling meets the walls, near a window frame. Reporting damp and mould can prevent these problems.

Rhoi gwybod am leithder a llwydni

Rydym ni am i bawb gael cartref cyfforddus a hapus, heb boeni am anwedd, lleithder neu dwf llwydni.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A man in white walks past new light-colored townhouses on a sunny street with cars parked along the curb, with other residential buildings and a clear blue sky in the background. Safety checks keep these homes safe from hazards.

Gwiriadau diogelwch

Mae angen i ni wneud yn siŵr bod eich cartref yn ddiogel rhag peryglon nwy, tân a thrydan. Mae’r gwiriadau hyn yn eich cadw chi’n ddiogel ac yn sicrhau bod eich cartref yn bodloni’r holl ofynion cyfreithiol.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A man stands in front of a two-story Trivallis house with a satellite dish on a sunny day, leaning on a metal fence with green grass in the background.

Gwneud cais am addasiadau

Wrth i amser fynd yn ei flaen, gallech sylwi bod rhai pethau yn eich cartref yn mynd fymryn yn heriol, fel symud o gwmpas neu ddefnyddio’r bath, y gegin neu’r tŷ bach. Os yw eich iechyd neu’ch anabledd yn golygu bod angen newidiadau ar eich cartref, gallwch ofyn i’ch Cyngor lleol am gael gwneud hyn.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A variety of discarded items, including luggage, furniture, and household goods, piled on a pavement for waste collection. Reporting a waste problem helps us keep things tidy.

Rhoi gwybod am broblem wastraff

Mae ystadau glân a thaclus yn gwneud ein cymunedau’n fannau brafiach i fyw. Nid ni sy’n gyfrifol am waredu sbwriel o’ch cartref, eich gardd neu’ch ystâd, ond rydym ni am weithio gyda chi i’ch helpu i gael gwared ar wastraff yn gywir.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A woman with long hair, wearing a blue and white patterned outfit, stands smiling with her arms crossed in front of a dark blue door marked with the number 4, emblematic of Triv

Cyfnewid eich cartref

Wrth i amser fynd yn ei flaen, efallai y gwelwch chi nad yw eich cartref chi’n bodloni eich anghenion mwyach.

Gall HomeSwapper eich helpu i gyfnewid eich cartref gyda thenant tai cymdeithasol arall.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A well-used work surface with various tools, including a cordless drill, tape measure, hammer, and pieces of hardware, suggesting an ongoing planned improvement project in Trivallis homes.

Gwelliannau wedi’u cynllunio

Rydym ni bob amser yn gweithio ar wneud ein cartrefi yn well. Bob blwyddyn, rydym ni’n buddsoddi miliynau o bunnoedd mewn cynnal a chadw a gwella cartrefi i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw’n ddiogel ac yn gyfredol.

A smiling older couple sitting together on outdoor furniture in a backyard with houses and hills in the background.

Gofalu am eich gardd

Ydych chi’n cael trafferth cadw trefn ar eich gardd, neu wedi gweld problem mewn gerddi cyfagos? Rhowch wybod i ni fel y gallwn ni helpu.